
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ode to a Rainy Day

It's a weekday and I'm totally not at work! Wahoo!!! But I will be later this evening. : (

What a great day to be home though! It's totally yucky outside and I'm all cozy in my warm house...until my little dog, Ginger beckons me to take her outside.

There's a spot in our master bedroom that I especially love on rainy days like today...

As you can see, Ginger is a fan of this spot as well. :)

Guard dog.

Where do you feel cozy on a cold, rainy day?


  1. Ohhh...look at cute little Ginger! I love to sit on a chair near the fireplace, dressed in my comfy clothes, nestled under a blanket...ahhh. Best wishes :)



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