Hi there! My name is Denise Brinkmeyer. On the weekdays, I'm a calculating, methodical structural engineer. And on the beloved weekends, I'm a traveling, home-decorating, thrifty-shopping, relaxing, project-starting (-and-hopefully-finishing), new/old-recipe-cooking, and-just-plain-fun-loving gal.
That handsome man in the photo with me is my amazing husband and best friend, Brandon, who almost-always nods, smiles, and says, "Good idea, honey," after I explain what new shenanigan/project I want to try next.
We've lived in eastern Pennsylvania since May 2008 and love it! Not only are the people in this area so wonderful (dear friends, you know who you are...yes, you!), but we are within day-trip distance to some of the best cities in the U.S....New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington D.C. to name just a few. And there are so many not-so-well-known places in this part of the country that I'm discovering and equally loving.
So where were we prior May 2008? Well, we're both from Missouri (me from St. Louis and Brandon from K.C.) and miss our families oh-so-much (dear family, you know who you are).
Children: well, not yet ;)...but probably in the near future.
Thank you for stopping by...and I hope you found some fun ideas for your own weekend!